Nightguards (Teeth Grinding)

What is it?

For people who suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding), thecondition can be a true pain.  Whetherbeing due to stress at work, malocclusion, or another underlying issue;grinding or clenching the teeth while sleeping can be hard to control.  Overtime, the unnecessary function and stressplaced on the teeth and surrounding supportive structures become worn anddamaged.  Luckily there are a fewtreatment options to improve, if not halt, bruxism.

Potential Treatment Options

The first options for treatment start with the individual’slifestyle.  Removing physiological stressorsusually help improve the condition tremendously.  Trying to improve sleep habits by avoidingcaffeine late in the day and allowing for an adequate amount of rest isbeneficial.  Also, halting overuse of themuscles of mastication during the day by eating softer foods and avoidingchewing gum will ease the tightness that accumulates in these muscles.  Self-massaging these tight muscles on thecheeks and also from inside the mouth can improve the tightness.

If making lifestyle changes alone does not help improve thecondition, seeking help from a professional is the next step.

Honeygo Village Dentistry Can Help You Decide

Being hard to control; bruxism affects many people. Other treatment options include:

-Massage from a licensed massage therapist canhelp loosen the tightness in the head and neck muscles
-Orthodontic treatment to properly align the jaws
-Wearing a custom nightguard to protect from the damage bruxism causes

Our team at Honeygo Village Dentistry will be happy to discuss what may work best for you.

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